Mailing Address: 1037 W McKinley Ave. Suite 316
Call Us Now: (414) 671-0566
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Mailing address:
1037 W McKinley Ave. Suite 316 Milwaukee, WI 53205
Call Us Now: (414) 671-0566
Triple P – the Positive Parenting Program – offers free resources to support parents with concerns about behavior and emotions in children and teens.
Triple P is not one-size fits-all. We make it easy to choose the level of parenting support that fits your family. Triple P doesn’t tell anyone how to be a parent. Instead, we offer simple and practical strategies you can adapt to suit your own values, beliefs and needs.
These stand-alone workshops address common parenting problems like temper tantrums, fighting and aggression, balancing work and family, getting your teen to cooperate, and more. Learn targeted strategies you can start using right away! Workshops are offered both online and IN PERSON.
Triple P for Baby prepares you for the big change of becoming a parent and your first year with baby.
This 8 week course is for parents wanting to learn all the Triple P strategies. Participants will create personalized parent plans and have opportunities to share and learn from other parents like yourself.
Tried eveything? Feeling fed up?
These self-directed online courses offer parents the same evidence based strategies as other Triple P courses, but with built-in flexibility so parents can learn at their own pace.
Triple P online is FREE in Wisconsin.
Not sure which program is right for you?
Give us a call: Parent Helpline, 414-671-0566
or leave your contact information and we will get back to you. Let’s connect!
Mailing Address:
1037 W McKinley Ave. Suite 316 Milwaukee, WI 53205
Phone: (414) 671-0566
Business Hours
Mon. - Thurs. 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Fri. 8:30 AM-3:00 PM
IMPACT 2-1-1 responds after hours
Mailing Address: 1037 W McKinley Ave. Suite 316 Milwaukee, WI 53205
Phone: (414) 671-0566
Business Hours
Mon. - Thurs. 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Fri. 8:30 AM-3:00 PM
IMPACT 2-1-1 responds after hours